
How to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0
How to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0

how to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0

If you're just thinking about getting into superior 2.0, this might answer a lot of the questions you have and how it's different than are other Program is drummer to as well.

#How to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0 manual

Basically, if you are a superior drummer 2.0, Owner, this is sort of the video owner's manual you've been waiting for. We're gonna go through all the advanced features. We're gonna go through all of the basic features. They don't deserve to know how the mapping page works. Maybe I'll think these people don't appreciate me. Maybe I'll get bored and just stop in the middle of it. Oh, now that being said, as generally tends to happen in live filming situations, things could change. Into over the next few days? The idea as we start here this morning is that it's gonna be a two day class and were to be covering everything that you could ever want to or need to know about. So you know what you're getting yourself. If you're new when you're not quite certain how things are gonna work, let me kind of break it down for you.

how to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0

Oh, So maybe you had the opportunity to tune in for the last class I did, Which was about easy drummer to this is gonna be a very similar format to that class If you were available for that. So, like Drew so eloquently put it today, we're gonna be talking about Superior Drummer two point. Whatever time of day it is, we appreciate your support. Eso we're coming to you live from Studio B in Seattle.

how to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0

He's an expert on spirit, drummer and easy drummer to, and we're lucky to have him back here in the studio. Rick is the president of Tune Track North America. This is superior Drummer masterclass with Rick. My name's through Councilman, and I'm really glad that you've joined us.

How to make a drum track with superior drummer 2.0